
    Open Positions Total4
    Job Openings
    Job title Department Job category Type Location
    Acccount Manager II FashionGo Business Sales/Marketing/Accounts Full-Time LA Downtown
    Account Manager I FashionGo Business Sales/Marketing/Accounts Full-Time LA Downtown
    UI Designer FashionGo Business Design Full-Time LA Downtown
    Your Next Career FashionGo Business Sales/Marketing/Accounts Full-Time LA Downtown
    • Passion
      We connect through Passion
      But Passion needs to be guided and productive

      Ask both ‘why’ and ‘why not’
      Research and practice best practices, case studies, unbiased KPIs
      Resourceful in accomplishing the right thing for the business
      Persistency and tenacity, coupled with humility

    • Ownership
      We progress through Ownership
      Ownership means being committed with clarity

      Have a clear understanding of business objectives
      Make wise decisions based on facts and experience, not opinions
      Trust and commit to your decisions
      Become part of the solution

    • Cooperation
      We move with Cooperation
      Cooperation is our biggest advantage and a powerful tool

      Be open and respectful to new ideas
      Recognize different core skillsets and passion mean advantageous
      perspectives to different objectives and logic
      Align on goals and execution for operational and resource efficiency
      Same team, same goal, stronger organization